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Ely is a guitarist, songwriter and producer based in New York City. He is a member of eight-time Grammy Award Winning Christian McBride's newest quintet.
Hailing from Tel Aviv, Ely has collaborated with other acclaimed artists including Shai Maestro, Ben Wendel, Braxton Cook, Carmen Lundy, Jason Palmer, Noah Preminger, Amir Bressler, as well as with renowned producer, Larry Klein.
A Berklee College of Music graduate, Ely leads multiple musical projects, including a jazz quartet highlighting his compositional vision and SWIMS, an alternative Indie band as lead singer and producer.
W/ Christian McBride
Feb 7- Northridge, CA- Soraya PAC
Feb 8 - Northridge, CA- Soraya PAC
Feb 17/18/19/20 -
Denver, CO- Denver Performing Arts Complex
Feb 21- Salt Lake City - Kingsbury Hall
Feb 22- Salt Lake City - Kingsbury Hall
Feb 23 - Portland, OR- Revolution Hall
Mar 22/23 - SFJAZZ
Mar 24 - Santa Cruz Kuumbwa​
Mar 27/28/29/30 -
Seattle- Dimitriou's Jazz Alley
Apr 16- Hanover,NH- Hopkins Center
Apr 22- Grand Rapids, MI - St. Cecilia
Apr 23- Traverse City, MI - The Alluvian
May 2- NYC- JALC
May 3 - NYC - JALC
Ely Perlman Quartet
Jan 3rd- Beit Haamudim, TLV, ISR feat. Gonn Shani,
Yonatan Rosen ​
w/Richie Goods & Chien Chien Lu
Jan 11th. Michiko Studios
March 10th - SWIMS at Sleepwalk Brooklyn, NY

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